
Thank You all !!!

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

I really want to thank each and everyone of you who left kind and appreciating comments both on the previous post and the chatbox. Also thanks to people who left me comments in formspring. However, formspring is down due to some technical issue thus I cannot reply to you all there :( 

When I read all the comments, it literally made my eyes water with tears of happiness. It's like this way we all actually connected. I know I am sounding super emo, but when you have your own site and so many people at once show how much they love your site when you are about to give up, it means a lot!!! I am posting on this site for more than a year and I had no idea this site had a huge fan base. Hence, I have decided to stay and keep uploading for a while longer  :) and when I finally decide to leave uploading that will be for good. So till then make full use of this site and rock on xxxx

Also special thanks to Brooke & Reckless :)


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you changed your mind! Thank you so much :)

Ronja said...

yay, love your blog very much! :)

Anonymous said...

Glad you're staying. Your blog is awesome. :D

Muirne said...

aw im glad that we made you feel appreciated, because we gazillion per cent appreciate the amount of time you dedicate to this site. Thanks again and im so happy you're staying around. :)

Anonymous said...

I am thrilled and overjoyed!! :D you are soo amazing so glad you decided to stay for alittle bit longer.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for staying, I really appreciate the things you do. Hopefully you stay around for quite a while, this place is the best.

Entertainment Download Source said...

"Also special thanks to Brooke & Reckless :)"

Congrats on coming back!! No worries and love you! Definitely a role model in the blogger world!

<3 ya IK!

-Brooke @

Anonymous said...

Welcome back :) I was gravely disappointed when you posted a farewell entry.. I'm so glad you decided to come back! I always look forward to your uploads and you have impeccable preference for various of television series and studio films. Keep up the excellent work!


Pretty Reckless said...

lol you're totally welcome! you inspire me. I might just turn my site into a information site. Like...i'll have my own uploads like now but at the same time if you or another downloading site upload something new i shall tell the public haha. cant wait to c how that goes

Anonymous said...

Thank You for continuing to upload. I will promise that everytime I download something from your site, I will leave a "thank you." It's the least thing I can do. THANKS!!!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh thank you for coming back!!!!!

& thank you for the great new posts :)

itswinny said...

hip hip hooray! ^ ^ i'm so happy to know that u aren't leaving! many thanks for u coz without u i can't watch GLEE. :) i live in Indonesia n it's so hard to find my favorite tv shows like glee and others. i do have tv cabel but it;'s suck coz my regional is asia and we never get the latest episode :( thank u once again! :) love ya love ya! keep posting n God bless! <3