Saturday, 16 April 2011
Yes you read it right. I am thinking since long now to just stop uploading. For the following reasons:
1) No matter how hard I try posting stuff, people rarely appreciate & others just ignorantly curse me and leave. For an example, you can see on the chat box how one person just talked to me ----->
2) You need to understand I am not some robot. Yes, you do interact to me via the internet, however I am a person behind having my own life and issues to deal with it. If I don't upload for few days or just don't respond to your requests doesn't mean that I am ignoring them. You definitely DON'T need to call me names and leave me SUPER rude messages. Do you for example act the same way when you require help from your mates or get your work done from others? No, right? Don't treat me any other way!!!
3) Non approvement of donations again leading to calling names - As I am just one person managing this entire site, it gets difficult for me to upload EVERYTHING you request !! I mostly ignore posting new shows as I know once I start posting a show I will have to be committed towards it and post the entire seasons. I still do post shows which I have been posting from the start as I made a commitment towards it earlier so that won't stop. For new/rare/old/hard to find shows you can donate and get entire season. It will show your appreciation of this site and my hard work.
4) Calling names when links get deleted - I am not responsible if links get deleted after I upload stuff. Every host site has a policy of deleting files if they remain not downloaded/inactive within 90 days to clear space for new active files. So if you so badly want your fav shows/movies to stay just download it & spread the links!! It's really difficult for me to keep uploading same stuff again and again whenever it gets deleted without any donations! This way new requests don't get time.
So all in all if you see most of the reasons pertain to my users behaviour. If you change yours and act more civil, I am more than ready to keep posting the way I do. But at this rate, I am going to have to stop posting. As you see I am a person, I am sick and tired of ungrateful and spiteful comments and people. I am not doing it for myself, I am doing it for you guys.
You can leave your comments on this post as to whether you still want me to post or not. and if you are willing to change your behaviour. If I see no interest I might as well stop showing interest from my side.
Thanks for reading my rambles :)
I nevr complained or called you any names, but I would just like to say take your time in posting whenever you're free, and take your time, you have a life and I know how busy life can get, your site is amazing and very helpful, don't stop just because some are ignorant, just don't post what they want. You can't imagine how thankful and appreciative I am as well as my friend, who is also in love with this site and thinks you're just amamzing!! Keep up the good work and ignore the ones that post bad comments, cause it goes back to them! Thank You for EVERYTHING - The movies the shows and most importantly your effort and hardwork, basically without you this site wouldn't exist! :)
If you ever need any help I'm available - well i'll try my best... my internet cnnection sucks, my mom hates it that i'm on the laptop and starting May to June 2011 i'll be unavailable exams and you should say that for this period of time your not posting either ur on holiday, or exams or just take a break from this for a while:) Thanks anyway! <3
Thanks for everything you uploaded, it's a shame you're stopping now but I understand about why you are as they are some awfully terrible people insulting you. You shouldn't be allowed to suffer this abuse. Thanks again :)
I've never commented or chatted on your site before, but it's one of the best on the web. A bunch of us really appreciate what you do and would be sad to see the site close down because of a few nasty users. Please reconsider.
well i hate that you're leaving or thinking about leaving!
I will really miss you but i hope to maintain contact with you =]
as for those people who dont appreciate you and stuff screw them! you've done the best job i've seen since i've own my own site.
I look up to you =]
and only hope my site will be as big and popular as yours some day.
Thanks for all the hard work you do on this site :)
You do a really good job and have always responded to my requests even if it took a while, which I am very grateful for, because I know how busy life can get.
Please don't shut the site down, this is really the last good site left! So PLEASE stay!!!!!!!
PLEASE DON'T GO. i will miss you so much you have no idea how much your posting means to me, please stay for the ones who are very grateful for you not the ones who are rude. :( you should start a thing where you only upload tv shows if they pay you money just do movies for free thats all i really care about. pleasE!!
you have no idea how amazing you are just take a break or something and come back because i love your site and go on it everyday and you have no idea how happy it makes me feel when theres new movies.
I'm so sorry I feel like I owe you a huge THANK YOU!! like you have no idea how much you mean to all of us and you leaving would be awful. disneyipod already left because of the same reasons and I'd hate to see you go at least leave knowing some of us including me actually really care about you and are very very thankful for all that you do even though sometimes we may not show it or you can't see it.
I'm proud of you for taking a stand IK! There are tons of ppl asking for stuff on your blog every day and hardly any thank yours. The work you do is amazing and I want to compliment you on what you have done.
aw im sorry some people r just rude like that! :/ ugh some people! :/ but i love ur site! :D its help me seen a lot of movies that i now love! :D and ive used ur site to download some of my fav shows of glee! :D so if u do continue posting that be cool! :D but if u don't i'd completly unstand because of how some of these people treat u! :/ best of luck! Thanks for uploading all the stuff! :D
~Nick S. <3
Thank you for all you have done, I really do hope you continue uploading as this site has been a great place to visit.
Your website has been a great help for me to watch updated shows & movies. (: I appreciated it soo much, you can't even imagine! Please reconsider your decision! You have tons of fans and many people appreciate and love your website!
Ignore those A-holes who curse at you and dont appreciate what your doing. Your the reason I found my favorite show "Community", which I am now up to date with because of you. Please keep doing what your doing.
Good for you, i think what you have done is good, your showing everyone that your not just a website robot but a person who has their own life to lead and not just this website, thank you for all the uploads and i hope your okay xx
I just foun out about it and it is amazing I love it so much I don't know how I would download and watch my favorite shows without it so please don't listen to what those foolish jerks say thy don't know what they're talking about and just upload things when you have the time I love your website, thnx!:)
I took you for granted and i feel bad for it now and i really do hope you continue this website because it's the best one out there and i wish I could do more then just a THANK YOU!! but I can't so THANK YOU THANK THANK YOU!! FOR EVERYTHING!! you are the best.
thank you for everything. you are so lovely. :D I hope you decide to stay!!!!
it is really sad for you to leave or decide not to upload anymore. i am one of the people who really appreciate your work and willing to wait till you get time to upload new ones. it's true that you are not a robot or machine to do things all at once and its suck to those people who don't realize that you are doing a great job here.
i hope you consider some of us that adores you and decide to stay...
thank you so much!
please stay <3 we do appreciate you.
I have posted several thank yous in your posts and appreciate all that you do. Don't read into what hateful people have to say online - just look at the number of hits you get. You are appreciated.
i literally just found your site and its already helped me a TON!
thank you so much! Its a shame that you've recieved such negativity for all the hard work that you do!
i've never posted on here before but i come on here a lot and appreciate the fact that you actually wake the time to upload videos :)
i can't believe the hate you've been getting! that is so immature! your website rocks though :) if you ever get time to uplaod in the future please do :)
Hey i lovee ur sitee i hope u keep it runnin i know how hard it is to upload videos n it can get really borin i tried but it really hard wrk lol dont let people get u down hu cares wat they say they probably ave a sad life n ave nothin else to do ! xxxx
You should go on your formspring (: we left some love xxxxxxxx
well, just wanted to say thank you for all your hardwork in uploading the videos. i know it took a lot of your time and you don't feel that much appreciated because of the rude folks who have been attacking you, but just know that there are some of us who are very thankful for what you are doing. Whatever you decide to do keep the site or not, I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate everything you've done. Have a Great Day!!!
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